First, please be aware that this forum must be used in full compliance with the school's computer usage policy (see below).
Second, the use of this forum is to provide students with academic discourse, discussion and dialogue concerning research and positions on events, issues and people in AP US History, Debate Theory and Multicultural Studies. It is only to be used for assignments created by the teacher for the specified classes.
Third, within this forum, students are expected to follow the directions as provided by the teacher. Students will not create their own threads. Students will not use inappropriate language or content, either directly or implied. School rules stated in the student handbook directly apply to all content posted in this forum.
Finally, students who violate any of these terms and conditions stated above will face penalties from both the school administration and from the teacher (penalized grades). They will also have their posts deleted and will not be allowed to partipate in computer activities in the future.
Please read the following below and reply to this post with your name and the following: "I understand and agree to observe all rules and procedures concerning the use of this forum."
New Bedford Public Schools' Computer Usage Policy
All users of computing resources are expected to act in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, while adhering to the regulations for their use as set forth in this document. Any violation may result in loss of computer access, as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Users are considered subject to all local, state and federal laws.
School computer systems are provided to all students, faculty and staff to conduct research, learn various methods of producing information and communicate with others. Access to computer services is given to those who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right. That access entails responsibility. The system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use, and their decision is final. Inappropriate use may result in a suspension or cancellation of computing privileges, as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Users are considered subject to all local, state and federal laws.
The New Bedford Public School System reserves the right to monitor, under appropriate conditions, all data contained in the system to protect the integrity of the system and to insure compliance with the policies, rules and regulations governing the use of its computer systems.
Your responsibilities as a user of New Bedford Public School's computer resources:
Regarding Access 1. You are required to have teacher authorization and a valid assignment to access any central computer systems and/or a valid, authorized account to access any central computer systems remotely. You may use only those computer resources that you are specifically authorized to use. You may use you account only in accordance with its authorized purposes.
2. Computing is accessible to all students, faculty and staff in the New Bedford Public Schools. All users are expected to have their own account where appropriate, You are responsible for safeguarding your computing account. You are expected to take all necessary precautions to protect access to your account by periodically changing your password and by not giving it out.
3. You must adhere to policies regarding the imposition of a time limit on access to all equipment including modems and relinquish access to others with business of a higher priority. Instructional research and computing, including assigned work, research projects and other New Bedford Public Schools course-related activities have priority over other work.
Regarding Computer Resources:
4. You may not intentionally circumvent system protection facilities.
5. Electronic tampering with computer resources is not permitted. You may not knowingly use any means to produce system failure, degrade performance, or proliferate computer viruses.
6. You may not engage in unauthorized duplication, installation, alteration or destruction of data, programs or software. You may not transmit or disclose data, programs or software belonging to others. Users must respect all copyright laws that protect software owners, artists and writers. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
7. You may not engage in abusive or improper use of computer resources which includes, but is not limited to, misuse of system/operator privileges, tampering with equipment and unauthorized removal of equipment components.
Regarding Information Resources:
8. You are expected to abide by generally accepted rules of network etiquette and conduct yourself in a responsible, ethical and polite manner while on-line. You are not permitted to transmit, receive, submit or publish any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexuallyoriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material. Such abuse includes, but is not limited to, sending/receiving offensive messages within the New Bedford Public School's or beyond via network facilities.
9. You are not permitted to use the computing resources for private and/or commercial purposes that include, but are not limited to, buying and selling merchandise, product advertising, political lobbying, political campaigning, profit-making or illegal purposes.
10. You assume all risk associated with using any information obtained via the Internet. Every effort will be made to direct users to suitable information resources; however, it is impossible to preview the content of all materials available on the
Internet, and a user may discover controversial information either by accident or design. The New Bedford Public Schools specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
Your accountability as a user of New Bedford Public School's computer resources:
I understand that I will be held accountable for all activities including, but not limited to, the content of materials sent by mail, news or any other means using my account and/or user privileges. I agree to abide by the news group etiquette guidelines and that my use of this system will be for educational purposes only. I agree not to hold the New Bedford Public Schools nor any of its employees nor any of the institutions or networks providing access to New Bedford Public Schools responsible for the content of any material accessed through it.
The system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use, and their decision is final. Inappropriate use may result in a suspension or cancellation of computing privileges, as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Users are considered subject to all local, state and federal laws. Any user who is found to be in violation of these rules may be subject to the following:
1. Suspension and/or termination of computer use privileges.
2. Suspension and/or expulsion.
3. Referral to civil law enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution.
4. Other legal action, including action to recover civil damages and property.
By posting my name below, I agree to adhere to and abide by the computer usage policy of the New Bedford Public Schools and realize the penalties that have been set forth in this policy.