Using your emailed study guide [APUSH: Materials for Chapter 20 (1)], sent on Sunday, January 4th, to complete the following assignments:
1) Skim the information in Part I (PDF pages 8-17)
2) Read the information in Part II (PDF pages 18-27)
3) Read the Option Choices on PDF page 28 and choose groups. Those in the 'concerned citizens group' should go to PDF pages 97-99 to choose their specific roles.
4) Read PDF page 96, 'Presenting Options' and answer the questions.
5) As a group, answer the Study Guide Questions on PDF pages 74 and 83.
6) Begin your research for your option. Use the primary sources cited throughout the packet when applicable. Also use [PBS documentary on the Spanish American War], [The Library of Congress site on the Spanish American War], and [Spanish American War Centenial Site].
Group three.... since everyone else has shunned the traders! "... Our values and our people are best suited to trade and industry, not to conquest and empire."
I'm my own personal religious leader for concerned citizens. Noting that they never said which religion, I will be thinking from a Fundamentalist Discordian point of view. Please form your arguments accordingly.
I call Mace Winduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuepuepuepuepeeieuupeup
sorry christian taran has to be Mace Windu because he is the only good jedi council member left so you have to choose some other concerned jedi like obi-wan or someone else ayla sukura
Group Two Submission: Written by Religeous Leader:
Study Guide Questions:
3. The American frontier was associated with what it meant to be American. According to Turners Thesis, Europeans conquered the frontier, and through it, acquired a rugged individualism that turned them into democratic loving Americans. It was feared that without the frontier, Americans would lose what it meant to be an American.
6. The Spanish American War was referred to as a splendid little war, and with good reason considering the circumstances and consequences of the war. The war was fought with the intention of supposedly freeing Cuba from Spanish rule, America walked away with much more. They had gained several island territories, proved themselves in a world arena, and taken only 385 deaths from Spanish bullets. High yield for low cost, exactly what would make something splendid.
I'll be doing question 4. Why did many Americans fear that the closing of the frontier would harm the national character? & 9. What did many Protestant churches say was Americas role in the world?
I'll be doing question 4. Why did many Americans fear that the closing of the frontier would harm the national character? & 9. What did many Protestant churches say was Americas role in the world?
Where did you get those questions?
The study guide pages he listed only go up to 6, and neither 4 is the one you said.
AH!!!!!! the history channel has on an amazing show on right now, about how the dinosaurs may have died, and not by one big catastrophe! and im doing this......yays. oh, and she should have been a son.
4. Why did many Americans fear that the closing of the frontier would harm the national character?
Many Americans feared that the closing of the frontier would harm the national character because people believed that prosperity only came with constant expansion. Previously the growing nation merely expanded west, but without any more land to expand into people believed that expansion and prosperity would stop.
9. What did many Protestant churches say was Americas role in the world?
Many Protestant churches said that the role of America in the world was lift up the downtrodden of other countries. The Protestant churches at the time of American Imperialism were in agreement with the ideas of social Darwinism, they even went as far as to say that the United Sates was destined to be the leader of the world, because god blessed Americawith the duty to civilize the world.
3. Why were many African-Americans eager to serve in the Spanish-American War?
African Americans were eager to serve in the Spanish-American War because it was seen as an opportunity to elevate that status of blacks in the United States. Also the military was one of the few places where black Americans might advance in society.
1. Identify five important changes that transformed America in the 19th century. a. Manufacturing replaces agriculture as leading source of national wealth b. the transcontinental Railroad allows western expansion c. the increase in immigration led to the growth of cities, and changed the face of the workforce. d. The increase of industrialization and monopolies led to strikes and labor parties. e. By the end of the 19th century, America looked to expand outside it's boarders.
How was the United States connected to Cuba in the 1890s? The United States was connected to Cuba in the 1890's by two things. After the first Cuban revolt in 1868, the United States made 50 million dollars worth of investments in Cuba, most of it going into the sugar industry. The United States was also the largest consumer of Cuban sugar.