Walter wrote:whats the cult of domecisity then? The cult of domesticity refers to the women's place in the home, I posted a more extensive post on it earlier and I wrote an essay on it that's on the wiki.
What were the main theories behind Tecumseh and the Prophet?Exactly which industries were in which regions (grain, dairy, etc.)?
The putting out system? What exactly did it do?
The putting out system was when woman did their own work in the home, as opposed to the factories.
Grain was generally in the south, as were other agricultural industries while farm like industries like dairy moved west adn factories took over to north.
tucumseh and the Prophet (the prophet being tucumseh's brother called tenskwatawa) traveled among the tribes to warn them of the dangers of white assimilation and changes, as well as invading whites. They promoted cultural pride and resistance to the whites.
Elkswatawa was the brother of Tecumseh and the religious and political leader of the Shawnee tribe. During the War of 1812 Elskwatawa and Tecumseh helped defend the Canadian colonies.
Farming in the east was usually abandoned for dairying or livestock but in the richer agricultural lands like New York and Pennsylvania they planted crops year after year ignoring to let the land regain minerals and nutrients.
and it was abandoned because the land wasnt really fertile. it was rocky and hard landscape so they opened it up for manufacturing instead. most agriculture products had to be shipped in from the south and the mid west.
After a wage cut due to falling profits, some of the workers in Lowell decided to demand fair pay because the cuts were a threat to their economic independence. After meetings and planning, roughly one sixth of the workers in the town ended up walking out. They tried to make their campaign recall political protests before the Revolution. After a while protesting, they either went back to work or got fired. The pay cuts were not changed.
Once in power, the Jeffersonian Republicans retreated from many of the positions they had held as the opposition party.
Can someone explain this quote to me?
Yeah, like the Louisiana Purchase and the idea of strict interpretation of the Constitution. They also supported the 2nd National Bank, even though it goes against those Hamiltonian ideas. They didn't support France, even though Jefferson was sympathetic to the Revolution. They also didn't protect states rights when it came to slavery, like the Missouri Compromise...
The cult of domesticity refers to the limits placed on women by the society they lived in and their role within that society. The cult of domesticity was not a cult as it was a common set of beliefs in urban middle class America. Women were kept in the home, and were lords of the domestic life, while lacking power in the mans public sphere of life. It was their job to raise their children to be obedient, moral, patriotic and hardworking. They did the housekeeping rather than any economic enterprise, as their role in the private sphere was more important than the economic advantages of being in the working class.
It was the womens role to be the calm side of the relationship. They were to be loving, caring, and pious, to counter the tension and temptation the men faced in the workplace. To say that all women were pious and all men impious is not true, however the belief that women were more pious as well as other traits assumed of them added to the feminine-masculine distinctions being made at this time.
While women were more confined in their actions during this time due to the lack of work, they expanded their activities in other directions, mainly volunteer groups. In the early 19th century, the number of womens volunteer groups, mainly those connected to charity and to the church, expanded, and would eventually incorporate such issues as abolition as well as feeding the poor.
The lens in which children were viewed through also changed during these times. No longer viewed as people who needed to be in the working class for the good of the family, childhood began to be viewed as a special stage in a persons life, a stage in which they needed to be nurtured. No longer were children in the middle class sent to work, but were instead schooled and taught proper behavior by their mothers. Harsh punishment was looked down upon, and affection was viewed as a valid replacement. Larger amounts of children geared publications added to the teaching of both child and parent, as they showed the values that they were expected to have.
The cult of domesticity, as restrictive as it seems now, was a way of life that worked for decades before it was truly challenged, and even today, remnants of it are seen in the stay at home mom and other such gender distinctions, distinctions that society uses to mold us into male and female.
Cult of Domesticity Essay That should answer most of the questions regarding it.
How did changing land acts affect settlement of the public domain?
Who was Elskwatawa? Or Tecumseh?
Who were John Ross, Judith Murray and Benjamin Banneker?
Identify the areas where Industrialization took hold in the U.S
What is the process used to establish a family farm on the Midwestern frontier? (Is this referring to how the father would take his sons and prepare the land and home before returning for the woman of his family and moving them west.)
??? on Discuss the contribution of nontangible factors to economic growth.
What was the Lowell work stoppage of 1834?
Tecumseh was a Native American leader of the Shawnee tribe. He dedicating much of his life to unite the tribes and rally against the United States to protect their land.
The Collapse of the Federalist Jeffersonian Party System For a while following the election of 1800, Federalists had maintained a drumfire of attack on the Jeffersonians.....Ch 9; starting on page 314
The Jeffersonian Party System is when you are elected to power as President you bring into your people you trust, know, and payment for their help during their campaign
Elskwatawa - Native American religious and political leader of the Shawnee tribe, known as The Prophet or the Shawnee Prophet. He was the brother of Tecumseh, leader of the Shawnee. He was originally given the name Lalawethika (He Makes a Loud Noise or The Noise Maker).
Elkswatawa was the brother of Tecumseh and the religious and political leader of the Shawnee tribe. During the War of 1812 Elskwatawa and Tecumseh helped defend the Canadian colonies.
He was also known as 'The Prophet', because of his religious influence. He told the tribes that the world was about to end and the whites would be wiped out. It would be a paradise of just Native Americans then and they would have their land back. It was very similar to Wovoka's Ghost Dance prophecies in the late 1800's.
Also can someone explain to me the key differences between the Northeast, South and the West.
kay well according to me (:
the north east was major for there manufacturing, big cities and domestic trade. the south was major for its agriculture system, foreign trade, and slavery. and the west was major for its growing population, and large amounts of fertile land.
Once in power, the Jeffersonian Republicans retreated from many of the positions they had held as the opposition party.
Can someone explain this quote to me?
It pretty much means that the Jeffersonians lied the entire time the were opposing the Federalists. This party advocated that when they took office they would change many of the things that the federalists had done such as the National Bank. However, when they took office, they did not change many things at all. Jefferson himself advocated a strict interpretation on the Constitution, yet when he took office, he bought the Louisianna purchase even though the Consititution never said anything about the President buying land for the country. He used a liberal interpretation.
keithfortin wrote: rural communities during the industrial revolution Here you go: Starting on page 348, titled "Rural Communities," specifics are given for Eastern farmers, frontier families, opportunities in the Old Northwest, and even how the expanding agriculture affected the environment. This shoulsd clear up any questions buddy.
ZachB wrote: The Jeffersonian Party System is when you are elected to power as President you bring into your people you trust, know, and payment for their help during their campaign
This isn't quite relevant, but this often leads to corruption and was the reason for Ulysses S. Grant's presidency being a disaster.
Also can someone explain to me the key differences between the Northeast, South and the West.
The Northeast became small farm and manufacturing focused, as well as shipping and transportation. The South economy was dependant on agriculture almost exclusively. The West was also farming, but they were more in milk and grain than the South's cotton and other cash crops.
- the conflicting goals of the Federal Indian policy
The federal Indian policy had conflicting goals. The Indian Intercourse Act of 1790 said that Indian could only be taken by legal means. Yet, Indian chiefs were bribed and threatened to give up there land anyway. The government also tried to control the fur trade between fur companies and Indian tribes by creating government "factories" or trading post. The Amerindians were so badly in debut due to this system, that they abolished the posts. The government in 1793 also gave $20,000 for literacy, agriculture and vocational instruction for indians but it wasn't successful. Basically, the fed gov. had conflicting goals because on one hand they were trying to educate and convert indians and protect their land from just being taken away, but on the other, the gov. was looking to expand west and needed to get the Indians off their land.
The Second Great Awakening was the second religious movement that took place from 1790 to the 1840's. It started in New England and western New York were the revival of religion had brought about new Restoationists, people who start and help along with strong religious movements. Mormons and Holiness movements were also popular in the South as well as Methodists coming into America. All of these religions are small branches of Christianity which seemed to be the most popular of all the was spreading throughout the United States. Methodists, Baptist, and Presbyterians were gaining large amounts of members. People who helped throughout The Second Great Awakening took many of their ideas from the First Great Awakening which would also be used throughout the Third and Fourth Great Awakening.
Also can someone explain to me the key differences between the Northeast, South and the West.
kay well according to me (:
the north east was major for there manufacturing, big cities and domestic trade. the south was major for its agriculture system, foreign trade, and slavery. and the west was major for its growing population, and large amounts of fertile land.
people are free to elaborate on this tho
-- Edited by Rachel at 13:59, 2008-10-23
You explained the differenced pretty well =]
The only thing I wanted to add was that the regions were specialized and each region gave the others what they needed to survive. The North gave manufactured goods to The West and South, the West gave the South and North food, and the South gave the North cotton.
Also can someone explain to me the key differences between the Northeast, South and the West.
In small terms, The North was the center of the Industrialization and dairyness, connecting it to the West, who apparently held sole the responsiblity of moving. The South was the agriculture capital and didn't indulge into the factory/mill style anywhere near the other regions.
Just to let you know, there's pigs' blood in your tea.
There were three different types of cities :centers, mill towns, and transportation hubs. New York became the largest and most important city, instead of the usual Philadelphia. A widening gap of class structure began to form between the upper class and working class. Factory production allowed economic acticity to quicken and increasae. The Northeastern region of the United States was generally more urbanized than the reast of the country.
Discuss the contribution of nontangible factors to economic growth.- Things that were not direct causes of the economic growth- growth of education, empowerment of woman.
Tyler W. wrote:What were the main theories behind Tecumseh and the Prophet?
Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa build their war effort on the ideals of keeping Indian lands, unity between Native Americans against encroaching whites, and pride in the traditional cultures of the individual tribes, particularly the Shawnee because they were Shawnee.