People dont like new taxes!!!- This one they attacked more than any other
New jobs werent addressed, as well as training
People dont like plants near their house.
Not a substantial increase
Closing oil plants lessens jobs in U.S.
Older homes cant utilize geothermal power
Geothermal Energy plants use smoke stacks- this one was another one that they attacked for most of the debate also
Geothermal energy will not reduce pollution because it is a no emission source of energy but it doesnt take anything out of the air. this was another one that they started to attack closer to the end of the debate and stuck with for their rebuttal
**** They also provided no sources or evidence for their claims.
New Bedford High Affiramtive C vs. Bishop Stang Negative B Novice Level: The Source of the Money That the inherency was over exagerated Global Warming is a natural Variation in the Earths' cycle Who's responsable for damage to property Birds and the Bats!!!!!!!! Internet Sitations